"To be honest, at the start of my training, I was only at Arpaije to pass the time; but gradually my supervisors inspired me to work in this profession, and now I'm completely immersed in it and will never want to leave". (Diaby, trainee)
In Arpaije, I notice that I am savouring my food more than usual; taking time to admire the little details of presentation. It makes a difference to know that the people in the kitchen preparing my food might not have taken to cooking at first: they might have tried various professions: waitressing, bed-making, washing up hundreds of dirty plates. They might have come from overseas; have been excluded from traditional training programmes through their lack of formal qualifications. They probably have spent some time unemployed. Fortunately Arpaije is there, training its recruits for the demanding work in restaurant kitchens. It's like Jamie Oliver's Fifteen, without the benefit of a famous face and all that publicity.
La suggestion du jour (very good, said Becinbrussels' friend) |
We are gently shepherded through our lunch by a calm, serious, smiling waiter. He tells us about the sister traiteur and café on Malibran, but here it is "plus gastronomique". All the recruits are professional: I find myself trying to be more polite to match the patience of the trainees; patience being something that for people in this industry, it is all to easy to lose. I only see one of the trainers intervene once to show a recruit how to pour red wine the sophisticated way. We praise the food regularly and fully, and that's because it really is very good. Particular highlights include both the fish tartare and mozzarella tomato tart starters; the main courses (particularly the delicious honeyed sauce to accompany my cochon de lait); and the desserts - aaaah, that pain perdu! The coconut milk and mango rice pudding is delicious, but that pain perdu with strawberries wins the Battle of the Desserts. Actually, that's the whole menu, the highlight: "magnifique à tout point de vue", we agree.
That pain perdu |
rice pudding |
Becandbrussels and friend ate:
Gâteau de tomates-mozzarella & crumble d’olives
Tartare de dorade royale sur écailles de pommes
Tartare de dorade royale sur écailles de pommes
Cochon de lait grillé aux asperges, sauce miel aux oignons nouveaux, gratin dauphinois
Filet de bar printanier poché
Filet de bar printanier poché
Suggestion du jour
Pain perdu aux fraises, boule de glace
Riz au lait de coco sur coulis de mangue
Riz au lait de coco sur coulis de mangue
However my final word on Arpaije must come from the trainees themselves.
Rosiya writes:
"Je voudrais remercier tous mes chefs d'avoir cru en moi et de m'avoir donné le courage de rester jusqu'au bout".
Kaly writes:
J’ai choisi de faire une formation de cuisine pour la simple raison que je n’arrivais pas à préparer ma nourriture! (...) C’est grâce à un formateur d’ARPAIJE que j’ai trouvé mon premier travail à durée indéterminée dans une brasserie bien connue de Bruxelles."
"Ça fait 4 mois que je suis en formation ; la journée se passe bien, mes collègues sont sympas et peu importe si on n’est pas tous de la même nationalité, car on apprend tous les jours quelque chose. J’espère finir ma formation, vite, pour commencer un job en cuisine et gagner ma vie !"
As well as the testimonies of previous trainees, the website also includes the CVs of young people who have recently completed their training. I hope that someone reading this will be able to help one of these recruits find their next job.
Open 12:00 - 14:00 Monday to Friday. For reservations call 02 646 21 31.
50 Chaussée de Boondael
1050 Bruxelles
Siège Social, Cafétéria, Service Traiteur & Service Catering
Arpaije asbl
49 rue Malibran
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: 02 644 59 57
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